

Australia, it's time to get some colour on your keyboard, and we're going to do that with some nice, quality keycaps.

Gone are the days of those thin, crappy keycaps, with a font on them that looks like it was designed by an 8 year old's vision of the future.

We're talking quality double-shot plastic, with timeless legends that run all the way through!


190 products
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GMK AwakenGMK Awaken
GMK Awaken
Sale priceFrom $179.00 AUD
GMK Hanami DangoGMK Hanami Dango
GMK Hanami Dango
Sale priceFrom $145.00 AUD
GMK 80082GMK 80082
GMK 80082
Sale priceFrom $180.00 AUD
SA Silent AssassinSA Silent Assassin
SA Silent Assassin
Sale priceFrom $250.00 AUD
Save $17.00
GMK Serika 2GMK Serika 2
GMK Serika 2
Sale priceFrom $200.00 AUD
GMK ThinkCapsGMK ThinkCaps
GMK ThinkCaps
Sale priceFrom $220.00 AUD
JTK Griseann & Royal AlphaJTK Griseann & Royal Alpha
JTK Griseann & Royal Alpha
Sale priceFrom $182.00 AUD
GMK Yuri R2GMK Yuri R2
GMK Yuri R2
Sale priceFrom $200.00 AUD
Buger x Hammerworks C64Buger x Hammerworks C64
Buger x Hammerworks C64
Sale priceFrom $114.84 AUD
GMK HonorGMK Honor
GMK Honor
Sale priceFrom $200.00 AUD
GMK AmethystGMK Amethyst
GMK Amethyst
Sale priceFrom $260.00 AUD
GMK RedlineGMK Redline
GMK Redline
Sale priceFrom $199.00 AUD
JTK AzureJTK Azure
JTK Azure
Sale priceFrom $99.00 AUD
KAT RefinedKAT Refined
KAT Refined
Sale priceFrom $73.00 AUD
GMK TaegeukgiGMK Taegeukgi
GMK Taegeukgi
Sale priceFrom $230.00 AUD
GMK Demon SwordGMK Demon Sword
GMK Demon Sword
Sale priceFrom $275.00 AUD
SA DualshotSA Dualshot
SA Dualshot
Sale priceFrom $242.00 AUD
SA NightlightSA Nightlight
SA Nightlight
Sale priceFrom $156.00 AUD
SA JadeiteSA Jadeite
SA Jadeite
Sale priceFrom $146.30 AUD
SA Bliss R2 - SculptedSA Bliss R2 - Sculpted
SA Bliss R2 - Sculpted
Sale priceFrom $493.20 AUD
KAT MizuKAT Mizu
KAT Mizu
Sale priceFrom $90.00 AUD
GMK PoshGMK Posh
GMK Posh
Sale priceFrom $230.00 AUD
GMK Bentō round 2GMK Bentō round 2
GMK Bentō round 2
Sale priceFrom $200.00 AUD
Save $19.00
KAT IronKAT Iron
KAT Iron
Sale priceFrom $72.45 AUD
KAT CyberspaceKAT Cyberspace
KAT Cyberspace
Sale priceFrom $108.00 AUD
GMK BreadGMK Bread
GMK Bread
Sale priceFrom $286.00 AUD
HammerWorks CRP R3HammerWorks CRP R3
HammerWorks CRP R3
Sale priceFrom $192.50 AUD
[$99 Base Kit] GMK Nord[$99 Base Kit] GMK Nord
[$99 Base Kit] GMK Nord
Sale priceFrom $99.00 AUD
KAM GhostKAM Ghost
KAM Ghost
Sale priceFrom $98.00 AUD
KAT ExplosionKAT Explosion
KAT Explosion
Sale priceFrom $118.00 AUD
Sale priceFrom $191.00 AUD
KAT Space CadetKAT Space Cadet
KAT Space Cadet
Sale priceFrom $194.00 AUD
KAT AtlantisKAT Atlantis
KAT Atlantis
Sale priceFrom $120.00 AUD
Sale priceFrom $178.20 AUD
KAT Lucky JadeKAT Lucky Jade
KAT Lucky Jade
Sale priceFrom $149.00 AUD
Save $7.19
KAT OasisKAT Oasis
KAT Oasis
Sale priceFrom $61.70 AUD
HSA White on Black & HSA Beige on BrownHSA White on Black & HSA Beige on Brown
GMK 8008GMK 8008
GMK 8008
Sale priceFrom $286.00 AUD
SA BlissSA Bliss
SA Bliss
Sale priceFrom $275.00 AUD
GMK MetropolisGMK Metropolis
GMK Metropolis
Sale priceFrom $286.00 AUD