KKB Tidal on TKL
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
Base Kit ***SOLD OUT***
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
Calm Kit ***SOLD OUT***
[GB] Keykobo Tidal
Spacebars ***SOLD OUT***


[GB] Keykobo Tidal

Sale price$164.00 AUD
Sold out
Group Buy

Estimated shipping Q1 2024

Storms ahead

Don’t get caught at sea. Look out over the edge of your boat to see the endless water around you. As you peer out onto the horizon you can’t help but marvel at the stormy gradient of blues off into the distance. Just like KKB Tidal!

The four tone desaturated blues feel like crashing waves on a night time swim. Bring a bit of wonder to your desk set up with these cool blues atop your keyboard. Great for Navy boards or even a shiny silver base to fall back and let the gradient steal the show.


GB End - 2nd November

Estimated Shipping - Q1 2024

Double-shot ABS
Cherry Profile
Designed by mcnos

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US - KeebsForAll
CA - AshKeebs
EU - CandyKeys
SEA - iLumKB
JP - BaseKeys
INDO - MechaKeys
KR - SwagKeys