GMK Monochrome R2
GMK Monochrome R2
GMK Monochrome R2
GMK Monochrome R2
GMK Monochrome R2
GMK Monochrome R2
GMK Monochrome R2
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GMK Monochrome R2

Sale price$180.00 AUD Regular price$230.00 AUD
Sold out
GMK Monochrome R2:

GMK Monochrome R2

Why complicate things?

Black and white, a typical separation of mods and alphas - what screams "keyboard essential" more than GMK Monochrome? Cool, bright white is an ideal match for an equally as cool coloured board - something like a blue or purple would look spectacular.

The kitting acknowledges the broad audience this set appeals to with all the common layout compat in the base (including iso and numpad!) The alternative mods and alphas let you take your customisation one step further with options for an all white board or pad printed Cyrillic alphas.

Double-shot ABS
Cherry Profile
Designed by Full

Not in Australia?
Mechs&Co (NA)
iLumKB (SEA)
Swagkeys (KR)
Mekanisk (Norway)
Funkeys (UKR/RU)
StacsKB (India)

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