Base Kit ***SOLD OUT***
Alt Mods ***SOLD OUT***
NorDeUK ***SOLD OUT***
Latin Kit ***SOLD OUT***
Numpad Kit ***SOLD OUT***
Symbol Kit ***SOLD OUT***
Accent Kit ***SOLD OUT***
Asero x Infernal - Skull ***SOLD OUT***
GMK Infernal
The fire of Hades, the undercarriage of hell
Whatever you call that hot red nether, GMK Infernal embodies it. Most cultures have a version of the afterlife's permanent naughty corner full of fire and brimstone. Rich, blood reds contrast the fiery embers showing off the custom set of sublegends Blamby designed based on other demonic fonts.
More neutral boards are the way to go for pairing with this set. The uncommon reds that make this set so unique need to be the star of the show. For a full on hellscape you may want to try pairing it with a classic red!
Double-shot ABS
Cherry Profile
Designed by Blamby
Double-shot ABS
Cherry Profile
Designed by Blamby
Not in Australia?
Mechs&Co (US)
DeskHero (CA)
Prototypist (UK)
MyKeyboard (EU)
zFrontier (Asia)
KBDFans (Worldwide)