DuRock Screw-in Stabilisers
Clear Kit ***SOLD OUT***
DuRock Screw-in Stabilisers
DuRock Screw-in Stabilisers
DuRock Screw-in Stabilisers
Smokey Kit ***SOLD OUT***
DuRock Screw-in Stabilisers
Pink Kit ***SOLD OUT***


DuRock Screw-in Stabilisers

Sale price$22.00 AUD Regular price$29.00 AUD
Sold out

Due to a current issue with GMK Screw-in stabilisers, we've sourced a better alternative!
An alternative to GMK's Screw-in stabilisers are these transparent, clear, DuRock stabs.

From the factory who brings us the T1 switch, comes these gold plated stabilisers. These stabilisers aim to reduce the friction points, while maintaining full functionality.

As usual with all the stabilisers on Daily Clack, we highly recommend lubing these. Lubing stabilisers will reduce the rattly noise you get from plastic on plastic contact.


Each 60% kit comes with
4*2u Stabiliers
Both 6.25u and 7u
Gold Plated Wire
10 Screws

These are PCB mounted stabilisers

Instructions for attaching screw-in stabilisersThe feet on GMK Screw-in Stabilisers

1. Slide the feet into the big stabiliser holes on the PCB

Inserting GMK Screw-in Stabilisers to PCB

2. Press the back of the feet into the smaller holes

GMK Screw-in Stabiliser affixed to PCB

3. Flip over PCB and screw in screws, repeat for other side of stabiliser

GMK Screw-in Stabilisers scred into PCB