Daily Clack
C³Equalz Screw-in Stabilisers
C³Equalz has stepped up to the plate with these colourful screw-in stabilisers
Customise your build further by pairing these stabilisers with the colour of your keyboard.
These stabilisers don't just come in a wide range colours, they address some of the common problems that plague the current stabilisers floating around.
A pre-clipped design reduces friction points, while a high rise lip serves to prevent the wire from popping out.
Each 60% kit comes with
4*2u Stabiliers
6.25u & 7u Wire
Allen Key
10 Screws
10 Washers
Colours available
Instructions for attaching screw-in stabilisers
1. Slide the feet into the big stabiliser holes on the PCB
2. Press the back of the feet into the smaller holes
3. Flip over PCB and screw in screws, repeat for other side of stabiliser